
About Me

Howdy y'all and welcome to Kimmy in the Kitchen!  I'm Kimmy and above you can see my beloved little crew.  I am a thirty-plus, stay at home mom, wife, former school teacher, and a Texan.  I like to call myself a domestic engineer.  It sounds oh, so, sophicated.  : )  

Do you want to know some random facts about me?  Hope you didn't say no, because here it goes!   I lived in Chile for a year and a half (while serving a mission for my church) and speak Spanish.  I have a passion for music!  I love the beach.  I love to travel anywhere and everywhere!  We make money to vacation just like I workout so I can eat more. : )  I love doing hair.  I love coconut.  I LOVE the sun.  I love to play games and talk.  I am a huge gabber.  (I did kiss the Blarney stone in Ireland!  Maybe that's why!)  I love hanging out with family and friends.  They are the spice of my life!

The reason I started this blog was because of this gift...

This is a compilation of all the favorite recipes my Mom made for us 7 (yes, 7!!!) kids while growing up. It is one of the best gifts I have ever received and definitely the most used.  I love this book!  Not only because the recipes are fabulous but because of all the warm memories of home it stirs up.  I have so many memories of being in the kitchen with my Mom.  All us kids would gather together and eat hot bread, fresh out of the oven, lathered with butter, and just talk and enjoy each other.  My Mom was always cooking us delicious meals and treats as well as making food for the whole neighborhood.  Many people benefitted from Mom's great cooking.  I wanted to start a blog to compile my recipes to give to my kids when they move away from home.  This is the beginning of my cookbook to them.  I hope this project fills them with as many wonderful memories that my Momma's cookbook gives me.